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Reference our library of videos with industry experts and other thought leadership content. Learn more on the latest trends on Data Protection, Disaster Recovery, Security and much more.

Fight Cyberthreats with Cyber Resilience

TIA 2023 Expert Panel Discussion

This is an excerpt from TIA 2023 Conference seminar. A panel of cybersecurity experts discusses today’s current threats for companies and strategies to combat cyberattacks and ransomware.

Recovery Strategies vs. Recovery Solutions… Are Yours Aligned?

TIA Lunch & Learn Seminar

This is an excerpt from a TIA Lunch & Learn seminar. Chuck Cook, president of RenovoData, contrasts the differences between recovery strategies and recovery solutions to help clients determine if they are aligned with their company’s disaster recovery goals.

Staying Ahead of Cyber Threats Impacting 3PLs

Expert Panel at TIA 2022

Chuck Cook, President of RenovoData, moderated a panel of industry experts at the TIA 2022 Conference, Staying Ahead of Cyber Threats Impacting 3PLS. As the size and scope of cyberthreats continue to evolve, it is imperative that 3PLs take the necessary steps to protect themselves—and their customers. During this session, our expert panelists will provide attendees with an overview of how they can take to stay ahead of curve by understanding the latest cyber threat trends facing the freight brokerage industry and how to optimize your security posture against threats to your 3PL.

Backup or Disaster Recovery: Which Solution is Best for Your Company?

Certified Integrated Partner Webinar for McLeod Software

Learn about Backups versus Disaster Recovery and key differences in choosing which solution is best for your company.

Where is Your Data & How Can You Protect It?

TIA 2021 Capital Ideas Conference Learning Lab

This session provided valuable insight into the Fundamentals of Recovery Planning and Business Continuity for 3PLs. As your Logistics Company or 3PL grows, so can the complexity of your data landscape. What is important and how do you protect it? From remote workers to application sprawl, learn how to combat problems that can impact your company’s ability to recover from a disaster. This session outlined the risks your company may have and discusses methods to bring management, IT, and other departments together to protect your organization from data loss and downtime.

Recover Faster with RenovoData’s Server Recovery Solution for McLeod Systems

McLeod User Conference

RenovoData 5-minute product video for the McLeod online conference showcasing server recovery solutions.

Different Phases of IT Recovery for Business Continuity

McCleod Security Summit

Chuck Cook of RenovoData is a guest speaker at the McLeod IT Security Summit. He discusses the IT Recovery Phases for business continuity, and their importance.

Why IT Recovery Plans are Important: Is It Time to Revaluate Your Plan?

TIA Virtual Lunch & Learn Semiar

RenovoData’s Chuck Cook appears on TIA’s “Lunch & Learn” Webinar. This excerpt is pulled from the longer presentation, which focuses on the importance of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity. Chuck discusses the TOP 5 reasons for a DR plan, and shares details on the D.R. Self Assessment Curve…. Is your company prepared for a Disaster Recovery?

What’s Powering Your IT Disaster Recovery?

RenovoData Disaster Recovery Solutions

Disasters happen to businesses. There is Insurance to rebuild or replace most physical assets, but what about your company’s data? With a click of a mouse, your Data can be gone with Malware Viruses, Cyberthreats. Ransomware the list goes on… We believe your data is your second most valuable asset, second to your people. RenovoData helps companies become more resilient to threats with Data Backup, Server Recovery, DRaaS Solutions and Recovery Planning.

Managing External Security Threats

McLeod User Conference Breakout Session

Breakout session at the 2019 McLeod User Conference
Protecting your Company Data.

Cybersecurity: The Threats Have Evolved, Have You?

TIA Expert Panel

At the TIA 2019 Capital Ideas Conference & Exhibition, an expert panel convened to discuss the importance of having a DR Plan. Expert Panel included Chuck Cook from RenovoData and Ben Barnes, Chief Information Security Officer from McLeod Software.

Cyber Securtity – Don’t be the Next Headline

TIA Expert Panel

2-minute excerpt on how to plan and prepare for Data Loss Events Seminar from the TIA Capital and Ideas Conference.

Why SMBs should have a Business Continuity and DR Plan


Chuck and Collier of RenovoData discuss the importance of a Business Continuity Plan and answer questions.

RenovoSync – A Secure File & Sync Solution

Product Overview

RenovoData (Data Protection Specialists) bring you Renovosync, a custom-cloud solution that give the convenience of fileshare and sync but resolves concerns about security and compliance.

Protecting Your Company and its Data from Ransomware

Threat Assessment & Solutions

RenovoData, the Data Protection Specialists, explains the risks of Ransomware to your company.

How to Protect your Company’s Data

TIA Expert Panel

Excerpts from Seminar about Data Protection

RenovoData’s Backup and Recovery Services

Product Overview

Learn more about RenovoData’s powerful data backups and recovery options.