McKimm Milk Transit

Customer Objective:

McKimm Transit hired an outside company to provide their IT needs, not having the capacity or time to perform this in-house. Their IT company set up an image-based backup solution.

Unfortunately, when they most needed the service, they discovered that the backup was taking so long that it was not completed. There hadn’t been a successful backup for months. It was very frustrating.

McLeod recommended we try RenovoData. We initially tried them with no strings attached, at no cost. We have now been using them for 9 months. We had our first full backup completed within 2 days and then every night the incremental backups take place. RenovoData set up bandwidth throttling so that the backups barely affect remote staff when they connect to our network.


RenovoData was able to overcome McKimm Transit’s limited bandwidth challenges by getting all data backed up over the internet using our data de-duplication, compression, and bandwidth throttling tools. Not only does the backup routine complete every night, but remote users can also log in and work at night while the backups are running. This was not possible with their old backup solution.


If I had to sum up my experience with RenovoData, I would say that their service level is outstanding. The process is SIMPLE, SEAMLESS & RELIABLE. Like many trucking companies, we have limited resources and can’t cover every eventuality, but I did need reliability. What I get with RenovoData is peace of mind.

– Renae McKimm,
McKimm Transit