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Logistics Journal Cloudy Thinking About Data Backup

RenovoData was once again featured in The Logistics Journal. The article provides expert-level detail on helping 3PL and Trucking Companies to get a grasp on the realities of data backup and to avoid the traps of common misconceptions that often circulate. This brief article asks “What problems do data backup technology present?” What are the different products available? What role does the cloud play? and more.


Misconception: Stored data can easily disappear. With the right cloud-archiving provider that should never happen. Best-in-class cloud data archiving solutions are designed to provide virtually invincible storage.

Misconception: Small organizations don’t generate enough data to require backup. Any data that is important needs backup. No company is so small that its future is not heavily reliant on irreplaceable data, and that makes data protection a necessity.

Logistics Journal Cloudy Thinking About Data Backup

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RenovoData is a leading regulatory-compliant, cloud data protection IT services company. Our solutions range from File and Database Backup, Server Recovery, Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS), Custom Cloud Hosting and Consulting solutions for on-premises and hosted environments.